Wednesday 28 November 2012

I want to compare Monet to another artist of that era and I have choosen Degas.

  • Edgar Deas was born in Paris in 1834.6 years before Monet.
  • Degas had a strictly Classical Education at Lycee Louis le Grande.Unlike Monet who had more of a middle class upbringing.
  • Degas' family were strongly in favour of the arts especially his father. His father encouraged his children into the field. Monets family on the other hand were very comerical and had no interest in the art world except excapt for his mother.
  • The majority of Degas' notebooks are devoted to the art of the past. He drew sculptures, cathedrals and landscapes where as Monets early notebooks were filled with caricatures.


Caricatures by Monet

  •   Degas first submitted his successfully to the salon in 1865 with the painting Misfortunes of New Orleans. This was the same year that Monet first submitted.

 Misfortunes of New Orleans  Degas

  • Degas was inspired by Courbet and the new school of artists.
  • Degas and Monet began to follow the idea of 'new artists'. They were turning their attention to subject matter of their own times, to the cities and streets, and to personalities and dramas of their own experiences. 
  • Unlike monet who fled France during the Franco Prussian war, Degas enlisted in the national Guard. But, like Monet he also did leave the coutry to paint abroad a few years later. New York and New Orleans.
  • Movement was Degas' main focus. he was more concerned about capturing a moment and the movement with it. He focused alot on the Everyday Life. He tudied women going about their business, Dancers and Horses. All so he could capture a blur of movement. Monet although he was concerned with capturing a moment he was more concerned about the effects of light and the season change on a subject matter. He liked to paint en plein air where as degas much preferred to paint indoors due to his sight condition.

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